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Security Policy Updates

In light of recent changes in firearms laws which make it possible for citizens in NJ to obtain a permit to carry a firearm, and in consultation with local police and external security advisors, Keter Torah’s firearms policy is as follows: 

No one may bring a firearm or other weapon into Keter Torah or onto its premises except for qualified Law Enforcement and Security officers under HR 218 and PL 2004 c134, respectively, as authorized by Keter Torah. Anyone in violation of this policy will be escorted from the premises and may be subject to criminal, civil, or other penalties under NJ law.  

We continue to actively evaluate our security operations and policies to ensure our safety in shul at all times, and our weapons policy is consistent with that objective. All congregants who are interested in contributing to the security of the shul are urged to volunteer for Keter Torah’s CSS team. Anyone who wishes to volunteer for our security team should contact

Fri, September 13 2024 10 Elul 5784