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Keter Torah
Sukkot Schedule and Notes 5785
Wednesday, October 16, Erev Sukkot
Eruv Tavshilin
Candle lighting – 5:55pm
Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat – 6:00pm
Dvar Torah by Rabbi Baum
Thursday, October 17, First Day of Sukkot
Shacharit: 7:30am (Beit Midrash), 9:00am (Main Sanctuary) & 9:15am (Ballroom)
Post-Hashkama shiur by Rabbi Weil on “The Sforno: His Life and Legacy on Judaism and the Jewish World”
Youth Groups / Junior Congregation – 9:15am
Teen Minyan – 9:30am
Torah Tots – 10:30am
Daf Yomi – 4:45pm
Mincha – 5:45pm
Shiur by Rabbi Weil on “The Illusion of Security”
Ma'ariv – approximately 6:35pm
Candle lighting and preparation for tonight – after 6:53pm
Friday, October 18, Second Day of Sukkot
Shacharit: 7:30am (Beit Midrash), 9:00am (Main Sanctuary) & 9:15am (Ballroom)
Post-Hashkama shiur by Rabbi Baum on “Benai Barabi’s From the River to the Sea and Kohelet 2:8 & 9:7”
Youth Groups / Junior Congregation – 9:15am
Teen Minyan – 9:30am
Torah Tots – 10:30am
KTYD Sukkah hops – 3:30pm
Daf Yomi – 4:55pm
Candle lighting – 5:52pm
Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat – 5:55pm
Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot, October 19
Shacharit Minyanim – Kohelet
  - 7:30am – Hashkama             Post-Hashkama shiur by Rabbi Weil on “Shlomo HaMelech and Kohelet: The Impact of the Great Philosophical Work”
  - 9:00am – Main Sanctuary
  - 9:15am – Ballroom
  - 9:30am – Teen Minyan
9:15am – Youth Groups: Junior Congregation, Nursery, Pre-K, Kindergarten, grades 1-2 & 3-4
9:56am – Latest Shma
10:30am – Torah Tots
Shabbat Afternoon
1:30pm – Mincha
4:35pm – Salsa shiur                         At the Sohn residence, 752 Cottage Place, Teaneck
4:35pm – Daf Yomi
5:35pm – Mincha / Seuda                Report by Rabbi Yitz Novak, Northeast Regional Synagogue Initiative Director at AIPAC
6:50pm – Shabbat ends
Weekday Minyanim for the week of October 20, 2024
Sunday    Chol Hamoed Sukkot 8:00am & 9:00am
Monday & Tuesday    Chol Hamoed Sukkot 5:45am, 6:25am, 7:00am, 8:00am & 9:00am
Wednesday                    Hoshanah Rabbah  5:40am, 6:00am, 6:45am & 7:45am
Mincha / Ma’ariv 
Sunday through Tuesday – 5:50pm
Monday & Tuesday – 6:15pm  


2024-5785 Yamim Noraim Seat Ordering Information 

​​​​​​Early-Bird Registration closes on Tuesday, August 21st.

Registration fully closes on Tuesday, September 19th.


This form is now closed.

If you need a seat for Yom Kippur please contact the Shul office at 201-907-0180 or at




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♦ Studying the Siddur - weekly 10 minute class with Rabbi Willig
♦ Daf a Week Project - with Rabbi Baum
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Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785