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Weekday Minyanim for the week of February 16, 2025
Sunday   8:00am & 9:00am
Monday  Presidents' Day 5:50am, 6:45am, 7:15am, 8:10am & 9:00am
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 6:00am, 6:55am, 7:15am & 8:10am
Thursday 5:50am, 6:45am, 7:15am & 8:10am
Mincha / Ma’ariv 
Sunday through Thursday – 5:20pm
TTT / Ma'ariv
Monday through Thursday
TTT – 8:30pm  
Ma'ariv - 8:40pm


Upcoming Events


Get involved in our Shul! 

Thank you for participating.  A committee chair will reach out to you shortly.


Join our WhatsApp Groups!
♦ @KeterTorah - get all the latest Shul Updates
Shabbat Table Bootcamp - weekly shiur with Rabbi Baum
♦ Tefilla Shiur - weekly shiur with Rabbi Baum on “Living on a Prayer from this Parsha,” a 20-minute Hilchot Tefilla shiur on laws derived from the weekly Torah portion
♦ Studying the Siddur - weekly 10 minute class with Rabbi Willig
♦ Daf a Week Project - with Rabbi Baum
Please email for WhatsApp links.
Sat, February 15 2025 17 Shevat 5785